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Villages Along the River Trujala

, Segura de la Sierra

Near the River Trujala, in a country of olive groves and forests of Aleppo pine, there are a number of villages all within a short distance of one another: Cortijo del Soto, El Porche and El Batán. They are still inhabited and hold their local festivals on the first weekend in May. Cortijo del Soto boasts two bridges, one new bridge alongside a disused older one made from brick and stone.

Another, much more spectacular bridge can be found by crossing the Trujala at El Batán: it is known as the Puente Moro (“the Moor’s Bridge”) and was built using ashlar blocks. It is a breathtaking sight.

Make sure you take a walk along the dirt track that runs parallel to the river to where it meets the Los Yeros stream; there is a small Roman bridge here that marks the route to Romillán farm.

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