
Jódar is a town in the northeast of the district of Sierra Mágina, in a landscape of large stretches of olive groves on one side and sierra on the other.

It’s the most populated town in the district and the far southwest of the municipal area forms part of the Sierra Mágina Natural Park, which forms part of the Subbaetic mountains and boasts some spectacular and beautiful landscapes. The Guadalquivir, Jandulilla and Arroyo de la Condesa all run through the municipal area.


Data of interest

Tourist area: Sierra Mágina
Distance to the capital (km): 54
Altitude above sea level (m): 600
Extension (Km2): 149
Number of Inhabitants: 11667
People: Galdurienses
Postal code: 23500

Tourist information

Jódar Museum (Jódar Tourist Information Point)
Municipal House of Culture
Juan de Mata Carriazo Street, 4 2nd Floor - 1st Door.
Phone: 953 78 40 12
Web: www.saudar.com
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Summer: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Sundays: From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This municipality is part of:

The local economy revolves primarily around olives, asparagus and esparto weaving.

The town’s artistic heritage includes the Iglesia Parroquial de la Asunción (Parochial Church of the Assumption), the Muslim castle, the Iglesia-Santuario del Cristo de la Misericordia (Church-Sanctuary of Christ of Mercy) and the surrounding streets and plazas where it’s possible to see both new houses and more traditional buildings, built in a unique regional style.

In 2014, the Historical and Artistic Collection of Jódar was declared a Bien de Interés Cultural de Andalucía (Andalusian Asset of Cultural Interest), and since 1983, the Ministry of Culture has included the Castle and the Iglesia de la Asunción to this status.

Source of information

Ayto. Jódar


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