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Mª Luisa Larrea Medina

Artesanía Artesur

Forge and smithy

Plaza Marqués, 2. How to get

Her husband belongs to the second generation of forge artisans, circumstance that led Maria Luisa to become familiar not only with this trade, but to introduce herself in the manufacture of crystal lanterns. From her shop-workshop, right in the center of Ubeda and declared by the Junta de Andalucía as a Point of Artisan Interest, she makes each of the lanterns that she later exhibits applying the most traditional techniques. Without a die, both the engraving, tinning, embossing and finishing, everything is done by the hands of Maria Luisa. Exclusive pieces manufactured as the client has demanded and sent to many countries in Europe, America and even China. Moving away from the metal construction, María Luisa and her husband, work the forge in cold, out of the forge, manipulating the material with no more help than their hands, and obtaining all kinds of articles or decorative objects as callers, handles, bathroom accessories, headboards, tables or chairs, anything that their client may need. Their personalized customer treatment, capacity to adapt to the needs of the clients and their experience as forge and crystal lanterns artisans have made Artesur to be present in tourist guides and national and international searchers of greater prestige.